Vacuuming Pool


Pool Orientation
Pool Chemicals
Pool Heater
Vacuuming Pool
Chlorine Generator
Pool Cover
Pool Filter
Pool Pump
Misc Pool Items
Water Chemistry



All of the electrical to the pool is from the electrical panel on the side of the house.


Text Box: To open this box, push on the tab to the left and push the front cover down towards the ground.





The pump and chlorine generator are on the 220 breaker.

The bilge pump in the cover pit has a breaker.

The pool cover has a breaker.


I believe the pool house however is on a breaker in the house called "Garage"


Home | Pool Orientation | Pool Chemicals | Pool Heater | Vacuuming Pool | Chlorine Generator | Pool Cover | Electrical | Pool Filter | Pool Pump | Misc Pool Items | Winterizing | Water Chemistry

This site was last updated 07/15/09